Moving logic elements

The moving of the logic elements within the ladder diagram depends on the logic element that you want to move.

In this article:

Moving rungs

  1. Select the rung that you want to move. Alternative: Select an element of this rung.

  2. Press Ctrl+Space.
    Result: A list with commands is displayed. 

  3. Click one of the following commands or select it (by using the mouse or the cursor movement keys) and press the Enter-key
    (The corresponding command is only provided, if the action can be executed.)



    Move Rung Up

    The current rung is moved up by one position.

    Move Rung Down

    The current rung is moved down by one position.

    (info) If you want to close the list with the commands without creating the element, click the primary mouse button outside the list or press the ESC-key


  • Select the rung. Then press and hold the Ctrl-key and click ↑ (cursor movement key "Up") or ↓ (cursor movement key "Down").


  • Point to the title of the rung. Press and hold the primary mouse button, drag the rung to the destination and release the primary mouse button.

Moving contacts or coils

  1. Point to the contact. coil or the function or function block that you want to move.

  2. Press and hold the primary mouse button, drag the contact or the coil to the destination and release the primary mouse button.Result: The element is moved according to the following table. The auto layouting feature takes care that the element is positioned on the best spot.

    Destination when dragging


    Link element

    The moved element is inserted into the link element (i.e., into the line). Here an And link is created.

    Contact, coil, function or function block

    The moved element is inserted parallelly to the destination. This creates an Or link.